Wildlife in Jhen Tou Shan
Common Moorhen(Gallinula chloropus)
Hello everyone, I am the common moorhen of the Rallidae family. I have shinny-black feathers and yellow pointed red beak, and a bright red frontal shield on my forehead. I like to eat aquatic plants and insects, mollusks and the sprouts of some plants. I live in the bushes of plants by the water or in wetland environments, such as ponds, lakes, marshes and rivers. I am a very common resident bird in Taiwan.

Alcedo atthis
I am the most common kind of kingfisher. I live in the coastal area and along the waterways. I eat small fishes as food, so I am also called as a "fish dog". I am about 15 cm long, a kind of small-sized birds. My biggest feature is that there is a light blue-green line on my back. You can also recognize me by my white spotted scarf and my orange-brown bib, they are my signature outfit!

Gray Heron
I come to Taiwan from the north to avoid cold winter, so I am one of the "winter migratory birds." My size is also one of the biggest of the heron family. My front neck has several black vertical lines and my back has decorated feathers. When I fly, I will give out a high-pitched sound like "Kwah-kwah". I am a bird who love to be alone, so I always find food by myself in the swamps.

Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis)
The sparrows and the Japanese white-eyes (Zosterops japonicus) and I are collectively called "the city's three treasures". We often appear in packs in the bushes of the plains and hilly woods, but you can find me as well in the campuses, parks, or in the back yards of buildings. My biggest feature is the olive green color on my back, and the white color of my back head, which is called the occipital feathers, and they will become whiter and whiter as I grow up.

Crested Serpent-Eagle
Spilornis cheela
A rather large, heavily built eagle with a dark, white-tipped bushy crest that gives it a distinctive large-headed look. When raised in alarm, the crest frames the whole face, highlighting the bare yellow lores and eyes, making the head look larger and fiercer. The rufous-brown underparts have neatly arranged dark-edged bold white spots. In flight, shows broad rounded wings with a wide black trailing edge. Juvenile predominantly white with dark streaks below; also note dark mask. Commonly seen perched upright in well-wooded areas, with wingtips nearly covering the broad white sub-terminal band on the tail. Its 1-3 note scream is often heard in the forest.(information from ebird.org)

Otus Lettie
Medium-sized owl with significant variation in plumage and vocalizations across its large range. Either gray or brown in coloration, with prominent pale ear tufts and pale face outlined in black. Fond of open wooded habitats from lowlands to foothills, often found roosting in temples, houses, and gardens, particularly in rural areas. Larger and more strongly tufted than both Oriental and Mountain Scops-Owls; both also lack the black facial border. Listen for this species’ incisive, short hoots, given at well-spaced intervals (information from ebird.org)

Günther's frog (Hylarana guentheri)
I am a large kind of frog, I can grow up to 12 cm in size. Although I am a big strong guy, I am actually very shy. I often hide in the stone crack, so they call me "stone frog" in Taiwanese, and my singing is like the barking of the dog -- “Go Go Go”, which is low and loud, so I am also called "dog frog". I have a special feature, my lips are white, that makes me look like having used white lipstick to make my lips white and smooth. I often appear in pools and rice fields, please come looking for me!

Odorrana swinhoana
斯文豪氏赤蛙(學名:Odorrana swinhoana),又名棕背臭蛙,為赤蛙科臭蛙屬的兩棲動物。為台灣特有物種,廣泛分佈於台灣高度低於 2,000米(6,600英尺) 的丘陵地帶。以發現者斯文豪氏命名。
斯文豪氏赤蛙可發現於闊葉林內的山間溪流中。獵食陸地和水中的獵物,主要是昆蟲和蜘蛛,也包括腹足綱的軟體動物、甲殼類和蜈蚣。 繁殖於小山丘上,陰涼且多岩石的小溪中。雄蛙通常隱藏在岩石間的縫隙中日夜鳴叫。卵附著在水下的岩石上。(資訊來自 zn.wikipedia.org)
Odorrana swinhoana is a species of frog in the family Ranidae. It is endemic to Taiwan and widely distributed in hilly areas below 2,000 m (6,600 ft). It is named for Robert Swinhoe, a British naturalist and diplomat.
Odorrana swinhoana occur in hill streams in broadleaf forests. They forage on both terrestrial and aquatic prey, primarily on insects and arachnids, but also gastropods, crustaceans, and chilopods. Breeding takes place in small mountainous, shady, rocky creeks. Males call day and night, usually hidden in crevices among the rocks. The eggs are attached to rocks under the water. (Information from en.wikipedia.org)